The RSVP Flow simplifies the event registration process, allowing attendees to register as guests or logged-in users.
The key benefits are:
- Keep attendees focused on the RSVP Flow
- Easily find and use the RSVP flow (in the old UI, users would easily navigate past the RSVP section)
- Speed up page loading times
- Enable the “Registration as a Guest” flow
- Prevent overselling tickets
- Capture true interest and create a full RSVP Funnel
There are 12 different flows, based on various settings, these range from "one-click RSVP" through to the need to log in + answer multiple questions before getting a ticket. based on various settings, you'll experience different flows across different Bevy customers.
Full RSVP Funnel
One of the main issues with the old RSVP flow was that Event Organizers did not know if the user was coming to see the event out of interest, or was interested in attending the event. Because there was no “click to RSVP” action, it was impossible to track this interest and therefore to create a true Marketing Funnel.
With the work we’ve done to Capture UTM data + Improve loading time + Add the “click to RSVP” action, Marketing teams and Event Organiers are now able to create a full picture.
You’ll then be able to see the following allowing you to create a funnel in GA4:
- Event discovery (person landing on the event page)
- Event interest (person clicking “RSVP” button)
- Event action (Person filling out the forms)
- Event registration (Person completing the RSVP process)
PLEASE NOTE: If there is no “purchase” triggered in GA4, then the person did not complete the action and dropped off.
Help Docs
Link to NEW RSVP help docs
Link to more GA4 information
Attendee Attribution Report