These metrics are available in your analytics. These definitions explain the metrics and how they're calculated.
A - B - C - D - E - F- G - H - I - J - K - L - M - N - O - P - Q - R - S - T - U - V- W - X - Y - Z - % - ▲
Active User
A user is neither Inactive not Prospective, and they are active. Refer to Prospective users article to learn more.
The number of people who successfully completed the event registration process or were manually added to the event by the organizer
Events — Analytics, Chapter — Attendees
The average number of attendees for the events held in the last 90 days.
A = Unique attendees in the last 90 days
B = Completed events in the last 90 days
Chapter — Overview
Attendees by hour
The distinct number of attendees who were in an event in a specific hour. This includes people in stage sessions, sessions, networking tables, and booths.
Automated emails open rate
The percentage of unique opens over the total number of delivered automated emails.
A = Count of unique opens in the last 90 days
B = Count of delivered emails in the last 90 days
Chapter — Overview
Available ticket quantity
The number of tickets that have been created.
Chapter — Tickets
Average attendee engagement in minutes
The average amount of time, in minutes, check-ins (site users who attended the event) spent viewing a session or stage session content at an event.
Events — Analytics
Average % viewed
The average duration attendees viewed a session.
A = duration in minutes
B = number of unique attendees
The distinct number of booths in a virtual conference event. This includes sponsor and custom booths.
A = number of sponsor booths
B = number of custom booths
A + B
Chapter members all-time
The total number of site users that successfully completed the chapter join process or were manually added to the chapter. Test chapters are excluded.
Chapter — Members
The number of attendees who were checked in at an event. Site users are automatically checked in when they attend a virtual event.
Events — Analytics, Chapter — Attendees
Check-in rate
The percentage of event attendees marked as checked-in at an event.
A = Count of registered users
B = Count of Check-ins
Events — Analytics, Chapter — Events, Chapter — Attendees
Collaborated events
The count of collaborated cohosted events published by other chapters with an end date and time in the last 90 days.
Chapter — Overview
Completed events
The number of published events with an end date and time less than now during a specific date range.
Chapter — Events
Completed events all time
The total number of published events with an end date and time less than now.
Chapter — Events
Count of checkins
The number of times the chapter member checked-in (attended) to events within the chapter.
Chapter — Members, Chapter — Events
Count of events
The number of events the company sponsored.
Chapter — Sponsors
Count of registrations
The number of times the chapter member was successfully registered for an event.
Chapter — Members, Chapter — Events
Count of remaining tickets
The number of tickets that have not been claimed by event attendees.
A = Count of tickets
B = Count of ticket orders
Chapter — Tickets
Count of sessions
The number of unique sessions the company sponsored in conference events.
Chapter — Sponsors
Count of unique attendees
The distinct count of site users that successfully completed the event registration process.
Events — Analytics
Days to next event
The difference in days of today's date and the next event date.
Chapter — Overview
Departed chapter members
The number of site users who either successfully completed the chapter leave process or were manually removed from the chapter. Test chapters are excluded.
Chapter — Members
Duration in minutes
The total duration, in minutes, of a session. This metric uses the start and end time of the session, which is defined in the event agenda.
Engagement rate
The percentage of engaged sessions on your Bevy site or page.
Chapter — Website
Engaged session
The number of sessions that last longer than 10 seconds, have a conversion event, or have at least 2 pageviews.
Chapter — Website
Future events
The number of published events with a start and end date and time greater than now.
Chapter — Events
Hosted events
The number of published events with an end date and time in the last 90 days.
Chapter — Overview
Length of membership in months
The amount of time, in months, the site user has been a member of a particular chapter. Either from when the site user successfully completed the chapter join process or they were manually added.
Chapter — Members
Median engagement in minutes
The median amount of time that an attendee spent in a session or booth during an event.
Member registration rate
The percentage of chapter members that completed the event registration process in the last 90 days over by the total number of members. Departed chapter members are excluded.
A = %▲ Members with event registration(s) in the last 90 days
B = %▲ Members with event registration(s) 180 days ago for 90 day
If B = 0, then A, else (A/B)-1
Chapter — Overview
Members with event registration(s) in the last 90 days
The number of chapter members who completed the event registration process in the last 90 days. Departed chapter members are excluded.
Chapter — Overview
New chapter members
The number of site users who successfully completed the chapter join process or were manually added to the chapter within a certain period of time. Test chapters are excluded.
Chapter — Members
Networking tables
The total number of distinct networking tables in a virtual conference.
Newsletter open rate
The percentage of unique opens over the total number of delivered newsletters.
A = Count of unique opens in the last 90 days
B = Count of delivered emails in the last 90 days
Chapter — Overview
No shows
The number of people that registered for an event but weren't checked in. People are automatically checked in when they attend a virtual event.
A = number of registrations
B = number of check-ins
A - B
Order total amount
The summation of the money paid for tickets in a single ticket order.
Chapter — Tickets
Page views
The number of times the page (or pages) is viewed by a site user in the last 90 days.
Chapter — Overview
Question votes
The number of check-ins (people who attended the event) who voted to have the question answered during an event.
Events — Analytics
Registrations (of next event)
The number of site users that successfully completed the event registration process.
Chapter — Overview
Running total of attendees
A summation of all the people who successfully completed the event registration process or were manually added to the event.
Chapter — Attendees
Running total of checkins
A summation of all the event attendees marked as checked-in an event.
Chapter — Attendees
Remaining tickets
The number of tickets still available for an event.
A = total ticket count
B = number of registrations
A - B
The number of people that registered for an event. This does not include canceled registrations.
Session duration in minutes
The length of the session, the difference between the start and end time on the event agenda.
Events — Analytics
The total number of sessions for a virtual event or virtual conference.
Stage sessions
The total number of distinct sessions that were added to the virtual conference stage.
Total attendee engagement in minutes
The total number of minutes check-ins (site users who attended the event) spent viewing content.
Events — Analytics
Total clicks
The total number of times items on the page were clicked.
Chapter — Website
Total logged-in users
The number of unique logged-in users that triggered any event on the page.
Chapter — Website
Total members
The total number of site users who successfully completed the chapter join process or were manually added to the chapter. Test chapters and departed chapter members are excluded.
Chapter — Overview
Total page views
The number of times the page (or pages) is viewed by a user.
Chapter — Website
Total registrations
The total number of people who successfully completed the event registration process on the event page.
Chapter — Website
Total sessions
The number of periods during which a user interacts with the website.
Chapter — Website
Total shares
The total number of times the page was shared.
Chapter — Website
Total users
The number of unique user pseudo IDs that triggered any event on the page. The pseudo ID is assigned by Google Analytics, not Bevy.
Chapter — Website
Total visits
The total number of times that an attendee visited a specific booth. Each visit is counted, which means that if the same person visits the same booth twice, it is represented as two visits.
Unique attendees
The distinct count of people that registered for an event.
%▲ Attendees/event
The percentage change in the average number of attendees per event in the last 90 days against the prior 90 days.
A = Attendees/event in the last 90 days
B = Attendees/event 180 days ago for 90 days
If B = 0, then A, else (A/(B-A))-1
Chapter — Overview
%▲ Auto emails open rate
The percentage change in automated emails open rate in the last 90 days against the prior 90 days.
A = Automated email open rate in the last 90 days
B = Automated email open rate in the prior 90 days
If B = 0, then A, else (A/B)-1
Chapter — Overview
%▲ Collaborated events
The percentage change in the count of collaborated events in the last 90 days against the prior 90 days.
A = Count of collaborated events in the last 90 days
B = Count of collaborated in the last 180 days
If B = 0, then A, else (A/(B-A))-1
Chapter — Overview
%▲ Hosted events
The percentage change in the count of hosted events in the last 90 days against the prior 90 days.
A = Count of completed events in the last 90 days
B = Count of completed in the last 180 days
If B = 0, then A, else (A/(B-A))-1
Chapter — Overview
%▲ Members with event registration(s)
The percentage change in the number of chapter members with an event registration(s) in the last 90 days against the prior 90 days.
A = Count of unique emails in the last 90 days
B = Count of unique emails 180 days ago for 90 days
If B = 0, then A, else (A/B)-1
Chapter — Overview
%▲ Newsletter open rate
The percentage change in the newsletter open rate in the last 90 days against the prior 90 days.
A = Newsletter open rate in the last 90 days
B = Newsletter open rate in the prior 90 days
If B = 0, then A, else (A/B)-1
Chapter — Overview
%▲ Page views
The percentage change in the number of page views in the last 90 days against the prior 90 days.
A = Total page views in the last 90 days
B = Total page views in the last 180 days
If B = 0, then A, else (A/(B-A))-1
Chapter — Overview
▲ in Total members
The total number of new site users added in the chapter in the last 90 days. Departed chapter members are excluded.
Chapter — Overview