This article explains an overview of how the connection between Bevy and Meetup Pro works.
Use the Meetup integration to connect events created on Bevy and publish them to Meetup. When this integration is enabled, registration information for all attendees is tracked on Bevy - even if people register for an event on Meetup.
Learn more about configuring this integration in Connect to Meetup Pro.
In the admin dashboard, we display the meetup icon next to the name of any chapters that are connected to Meetup.
In the chapter dashboard, we display the meetup icon next to any attendee that registered through Meetup.
When someone joins a Meetup Pro group on Meetup, they're added as prospective users on Bevy only if the event is synched across platforms. They aren't added as chapter members. Because they're not chapter members, they don't receive member emails, but they do receive attendee emails related to the event.
People can only register themselves, and not add a +1 for events published from Bevy to Meetup.
All non-hidden events you create after you set up the integration sync automatically. If you publish an event from Bevy to Meetup, and then cancel it, the event is also cancelled on Meetup.
Event titles might be cut off when published to Meetup. This is because Bevy has a character limit of 100, but Meetup has a limit of 80.
When you start using Bevy, we can help do a one-time migration of your Meetup events to Bevy. This is the only way historical data is available. Editing an existing meetup event doesn't sync changes to Bevy.
You must enable the integration each chapter that you want to connect.
Learn more in Create new chapters on Bevy and Meetup and Connect an existing Bevy chapter to a Meetup group.
Attendee information
Bevy uses someone's email address as the unique identifier for an attendee. When Meetup users set their privacy settings to not share their personally identifiable information (PII), their information doesn't sync to Bevy. That is, if someone doesn't share their PII on Meetup, we don't count them as an attendee. This is because we don't have a way to uniquely identify them.
People that register on Meetup but don't share their PII don't receive any emails related to events.
If someone registers on Meetup but does share their PII, they receive emails related to the event. This includes things like reminder emails.
Because we don't create tickets for Meetup attendees, they aren't included in emails sent to an audience of People with event ticket.
RSVPs from Meetup do not affect the total ticket limit set in the Bevy event dashboard. Set available tickets within Meetup in accordance with total tickets available and close Meetup RSVPs to avoid exceeding available ticket quantities.
Cohosted events and Meetup
As a host of a cohosted event, your events sync to meetup. The event on Meetup is a regular event.
As a collaborator of a cohosted event, the events you collaborate on do not sync to meetup.
Learn more in Cohosted events.