This article outlines steps to manage event types.
Create an event type
- Click Settings from the left sidebar in the Admin Dashboard.
- Click the Event Types tab.
- Give your new Event Type a name.
- Click New Event Type.
- Fill in the other event type settings (see below).
- Click Save Event Type and Publish in the confirmation modal.
- Once you save, this Event Type will be an available option when you create a new event.
Event type settings
Pick a name that best describes your event (Panel Discussion, Workshop, Conference, Roundtable, etc.).
Use the checkboxes for other options like multi-day or recurring events.
Require URL to publish event
Require people to add a URL in the Virtual event URL field for virtual or hybrid events that don't use
Bevy Virtual. When cleared, they can publish events if the Virtual event URL field is empty.
Allow multiday events
When selected, this type of event can start and end on different days. When cleared, events must start and end on the same day.
Enable conference agenda
Add conference configuration for Bevy Virtual Conference events. The agenda is where you add and configure sessions.
Allow recurring events
Let people create events that occur regularly. They can control how many times an event recurs, and Bevy automatically creates the events. Great for regular monthly events, but not conferences.
To be displayed in chapters
In this section, the default is to show this event type on all chapters. This allows your chapter leaders to pick this event type when creating an event. You can also choose to show this event type only in certain chapters. If you want to do this, select that button, and you’ll see a search field that allows you to find and select chapters.
There are a variety of people types that you can include in an event type. To include a people type, set the maximum greater than 0. If the fields are left at 0, that person type does not appear as an option during event creation.
The default for new event types is 10. There is no limit to the maximum number of limits.
When the event type has a Minimum greater than 0, that person is required when a new event is created with this type.
Similar to the People section, you can opt to include a minimum and maximum for Startups. If the fields are left at 0, Startups will not appear as an option during event creation.
Local sponsor tiers
You can add the tiers name if you anticipate having sponsors for this event type. You can select any names you wish.
Once some tier is added, the organizers will be able to add the sponsors the same way as they use the partners. If you don't add a tier to the event type, the Local Sponsor field won't be available for Chapter Organizers in the Dashboard (Event Configuration).
Select your desired ticketing type.
- Bevy Ticketing: Use tickets, which can be free or paid, or RSVPs. RSVPs are just registrations, and cannot have a monetary value attached to them.
- External Ticketing: Use an external URL in the event creation.
Default Image
Providing the event banner and thumbnail in the event type will ensure continuity across all chapters who use this event type.
These images will be used by default in all new events for the type, but the Chapter Organizer can change them.
Delete an event type
To remove the event type, you need to click on the X close to the name:
Existing events with the associated deleted type will still be associated with the deleted type, not moved to another type. Please be aware that you cannot change events from one type to another.
The deletion of an event type is deemed safe as it is not a permanent deletion, but rather a soft deletion.