This article explains the different options available to organizers and attendees to share event information on social media, and the default text for the different platforms.
Social sharing locations
There are different places that users have the option to share an event on social media, including:
- Event page banner
- RSVP confirmation page
- Confirmation email
Default text by platform
Text in { } represent dynamic text that automatically changes by organization name, chapter and event.
Default text—I’m attending {site title} {chapter title} w/ {event title} on {event start date and time}
I’m attending Bevy California Chapter w/ The Annual Summit on Jan 1, 2022
Default text—I’m attending {site title} {chapter title} w/ {event title} on {event start date and time}
LinkedIn only includes some of the text about the event.
I’m attending Bevy Events California Chapter w/ The Annual Summit on Jan 1, 2022
Default text—I’m attending {twitter_handle or site_title} {speaker_title} w/ {company_twitter} on {event start date and time} {event_url}
I’m attending Bevy Events Derek Anderson w/ @Bevy on Jan 1, 2022
Default text—{site title} {chapter title} presents {event title} | {event start date}
A Pinterest post is formatted as a table with text.
Bevy Events California Chapter presents The Annual Summit | January 1, 2021
Default text—Subject: {event title}
Message: {event URL}
When shared by email, a new message opens in your default mail application with the subject and message above.
Subject: The Annual Summit