This article explains chapter team members and how to add or remove them. Team members are an important part of scaling communities and onboarding local leaders.
Chapter members must have an account created for your community before they can be added as team members.
Team roles
When you add a chapter team member, you must choose a team role to apply. The role determines what additional permission the member has, such as access to the chapter dashboard. Bevy provides default roles including:
- Lead Organizer—Full chapter permissions in the chapter dashboard. For example, events, settings, payments, team management, sponsors, invoicing, newsletters, and so on.
- Check-in Staff—Check-in permissions only. Team members with this permission can only view the attendee list from the event page or the Bevy Organizer App.
Your community may have custom roles with custom permissions that are not listed. Check with your Community HQ if you are unable to perform certain actions.
Add a chapter team member
To add a chapter team member:
- In the chapter dashboard, click Settings in the left-hand sidebar menu.
- On the Team tab, search for the person to add by name, company, or email domain.
- Select the person to add them.
When you select the member to add, you can edit their information. If you want the team member to display on the chapter and event pages, select the Visible on Chapter and Event Pages checkbox. - Choose the role to apply to the team member.
- Click Save.
Remove a chapter team member
To remove a chapter team member:
- In the chapter dashboard, click Settings in the left-hand sidebar menu.
- On the Team tab, find the member you're removing.
- Click the X on the profile card.
- Click OK to remove the team member.
With access to the admin dashboard you can create, update, and delete multiple team members at the same time. Learn more in Manage multiple chapter team members using the API.