What permissions and access does Bevy need in Salesforce?
We will need standard read/write permissions for contacts, leads, campaigns and campaign members. If using the sandbox, this Salesforce user also requires access to the sandbox.
For both sandbox and production set up, this user must be marked as a Marketing User.
Can I sync to contacts instead of leads?
We can support syncing to contact records. There might be a scenario where we try to create a contact where a lead already exists. If so, we won't sync the record.
Alternatively, we can support having a lookup for contact first, and then a lookup for lead, and finally creating a lead if none exists.
What volume of data do you estimate will be moving through the integration? How often is it updated?
Our current Salesforce integration syncs records individually. It does not process in bulk yet, but we have plans to introduce this. There is typically not enough data to send at one time for this to be a problem.
We sync this data approximately every 5 minutes.
If something goes wrong (for example, we hit an API limit request), it will retry in the future, and again and again over the next 2 days.
How is Bevy Salesforce data transmitted?
Using the Salesforce REST API.
How can I test the Salesforce integration?
Once you’ve configured all the admin settings, we can create a few test events and start triggering updates. If possible, we recommend using a Salesforce sandbox to test.
Can I see the field mappings between Salesforce and Bevy?
We currently do not have UI for this, and are working on it. For now, we set the mappings on our backend; you just need to provide us with the Salesforce fields. The mappings can be adjusted as you need.
Can I sync Ticket Type as part of my integration?
Yes, as part of a custom field mapping. You just provide us with the API field name that you would like the Ticket Type mapped to, and we will set it up.
What permissions/access will Bevy need in Salesforce?
We require a username and password with standard read/write permissions. If using the sandbox, you’ll need this Salesforce user to also have access to the sandbox. For both sandbox and production set up, you’ll need this user to be marked as a Marketing User, as well.
How frequently does data sync? Can I change the timing?
Bevy syncs data approximately every five minutes. At this time, this is the only frequency available.
What does Bevy do if a contact or lead is pushed, and you find two records with the same email address?
By default, Bevy does not sync these records, nor create the respective CampaignMember
when pushing a chapter member or attendee. There is however an option for Bevy to use the last modified lead or contact record. You can enable this via the following setting:
When the Guest registration is enabled in the instance. How are the Contacts/Leads created? Would you require Salesforce to create a contact record?
When an anonymous user (no signup required), the way it would work is that the integration tries to find a Salesforce Contact/Lead based on the provided email address. If found, it's used, otherwise a new one is created and used. There is no special status for these kinds of registrations. The integration uses the same three statuses as with logged in attendees (Registered, Unregistered, and Attended).