This section describes ways to optimize your Marketo integration with Bevy.
Naming conventions...
The default format for event program names is: {prefix}-{start_date:YYYY}-{quarter}{start_date:MMDD}-{chapter}-{event_id}
If you need to change the structure of the naming convention, or the format of how information displays, contact Bevy Support. For event program names to be unique, they should include event_id.
This format helps reduce the risk of naming collisions for events happening in the same chapter on the same day.
Some pieces of the naming convention automatically populate based on the event information. However, you can manage some other pieces. The table below explains the different pieces, sources, and what you can change:
Piece | Source | How to change |
prefix | Admin dashboard | Admin dashboard settings |
start_date:YYYY | Event information | Format - Bevy Support |
quarter | Bevy Support | |
start_date:MMDD | Event information | Format - Bevy Support |
chapter | Publishing chapter information | N/A |
event_id | Event information | N/A |
If you have multiple Marketo workspaces...
When you set up the integration, you choose where you want events to map to by entering the name of the Marketo Event Program Channel.
To easily track user activities such as Chapter Join, Chapter Leave, and Unsubscribe...
Create programs in Marketo that align with each of your chapters in Bevy. Set up smart tasks to automatically add members to a chapter if their bevyUserGroupIDs field includes that chapter's numeric ID.
If you send communications such as event invitations from Marketo, you can also track user activities by doing this...
Reference the UTM parameters that were present in a user’s URL when they registered. To achieve this: In the user’s activity logs, locate the Visited Web Page action, click this activity, and review the Query Parameters.
To handle email and event programs in your Marketo configuration...
We recommend that you nest your post-show emails to stay organized. For example, if you send followup emails from Marketo, you should nest those emails under the Event program. The way you organize invitations and promotional emails will depend on how your Marketo instance is structured. Note that the decision to nest emails is strictly for organization and does not affect the Bevy integration.