This article lists Frequently Asked Questions from Bevy Virtual Meetup attendees
Why can't I log into the event?
Every attendee must have an account profile on the event site. Your email address may have been opted in from another system, or someone may have registered you through another account. Click to Create an account from the Login page and accept the terms and conditions. As a shortcut, add /accounts/login after your conference host’s events URL (e.g.,
Will recordings be available?
Recordings are typically available 7–10 days after the event. Your conference host will likely share a link via email when they’re available. In certain instances, it may be necessary to inquire the event hosts to verify the recording of the meeting.
Why is my chat muted?
The conference hosts have permissions to mute certain chats as part of their moderation process.
How can I change my display name?
When you join the event, you have the option to change your name. If you'd like to change it during a session, simply refresh your screen and update the details.
Why do I see a spinning wheel / why can’t I get into sessions?
We recommend using a Chrome browser. Try joining the event through that browser to see if that resolves it. If not, refer to additional troubleshooting tips.
Why can’t I join the breakout room?
After a host has initiated a breakout room, you can click on Breakout Rooms in the bottom navigation bar. You'll see a panel open and a button to "join" will be there. Select it to enter your breakout room.
Why isn’t my A/V working?
Only presenters can enable their camera / microphone / screen share options.
Can I export or save the chat transcript?
Unfortunately, you cannot save the chat as an attendee. You may copy and paste or screenshot the parts you feel are valuable. Your event host can access chat transcripts. Please reach out to them to see if they plan to make it available to you.
When creating breakout rooms, how are attendees assigned to each room?
Attendees are assigned randomly.
Can I manually assign attendees to certain breakout room before the rooms are created?
No, not at this time.
Can I manually move attendees to and from certain breakout rooms after the rooms have been created?
No, not at this time.
If attendees join a virtual event late, can I move them to a breakout room already in progress?
No. To achieve that, you will need to end all breakout rooms and start again.
If my event has three hosts and I create three breakout rooms, how do I ensure that one host will be allocated to each room?
Hosts can manually allocate themselves to rooms.
Can multiple breakout rooms be recorded?
Yes, more than one breakout room may be recorded.
Hosts need to enter the breakout room(s) to start the recording for each individual room.
Can we make sure that the next breakout rooms don't have the same people in them when they reach their time limit? We'd like a round-robin networking format.
The room assignments are "re-randomized." However, there is no way to guarantee that they will be different. If you change the number of people in a room (e.g., from 2-3 to 3-4) for the second round, the assignments should be more randomized and have different people in the room.