This article outlines how to achieve the best video quality and performance when using Bevy Virtual or Bevy Virtual Conference.
Your experience using Bevy depends upon your internet connection and device, and video quality will vary across attendees. Bevy scales the video up or down according to the strength of your internet and device.
If your internet and device are both strong, your experience connecting will be clean and solid. If your internet or device are weak, Bevy could make the following adjustments to prevent you from disconnecting from the event:
- It might turn off your video briefly.
- It might turn off the videos of speakers or other attendees. If this happens, it is possible that you will still hear them.
Bevy Virtual runs inside a browser and is not a standalone desktop app. There are many factors that could affect the performance of your browser. These could include:
- Tabs running the background.
- Extensions like Snap Camera (or other virtual cameras).
- Other apps running on the computer.
- Hardware specs. Older laptops might not perform optimally in a busy video session.
Learn about how to handle issues you might encounter in Troubleshooting steps for attendees and Troubleshooting steps for presenters.