This article outlines how to create a test conference event. See Bevy Virtual for non-conference events.
- Create an event using the conference event type.
- Select the This is a Hidden Event check box. This will hide the event from your chapter page, and will prevent any email announcements, including automated emails, from being sent out to your community while you edit.
Learn more about Hidden Events.
- Set the event start time to the current time so that you can access the conference right away. You can set it to end an hour or more later.
- Click Save and Publish once you are done filling out the event details.
- Once saved, click the Agenda tab at the top of the page to customize your conference agenda with Stage(s), Sessions, Booths, and Networking tables.
All you need to start is a test stage, session, table, and booth. You don't need to add an elaborate agenda to get a preview for what it looks like for testing purposes.
- Visit the event page register yourself, and then click the join button in the banner to start the Bevy Virtual Conference session and see what the conference will look like for attendees. You can send your event link to anyone helping you run a test event!
You can also test the conference using the Backstage link to see Presenter and Host views.
Learn more about the Backstage